Samples of our work
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Zirconium crowns
A professional athlete dealing with the consequences of an injury with zirconium crowns. :-)
Nobel Biocare All-on-4 implants
Wobbly misaligned teeth were removed, the patient obtained fixed teeth using Nobel Biocare implants by the next day.
DSD planning, all-ceramic veneers and e.max crowns
Young woman after many years of orthodontic therapy with congenitally missing second upper right incisor. We administered prosthetic treatment, created canine from tooth no. 4 and second incisor created from canine.
All-ceramic crowns e.max
The patient who was dissatisfied with the appearance of her teeth for a long time underwent a total restoration thanks to which we also achieved an increase in bite.
ASTRA TECH dental implants + zirconium bridge
The patient who wanted teeth like her own, fixed and non-removable, underwent a total dental replacement in the upper jaw.
All-ceramic crowns e.max – interdental gap
The gap between the teeth which bothered the patient a lot was closed with all-ceramic crowns e.max.
Prosthetic correction e.max
The patient was worried about the aesthetics of her teeth which were fixed by prosthetic correction e.max.
Ceramic veneers, bite enhancement, e.max material
The patient with congenitally missing second incisor after orthodontic treatment. We prosthetically created an incisor from a canine and performed total reconstruction of the teeth.
Complete reconstruction of teeth
The patient suffering from bruxism: bite enhancement, complete work without laboratory, CEREC.
Combination of glass ceramic crown, veneer and composite fillings
Our treatment completely changed the life of this patient who suffered a tooth injury in childhood. Now she is cheerful and loves to laugh which is perceived very positively by those around her.
DSD aesthetic correction planning + complete bite enhancement
All-ceramic crowns e.max + Vita Enamic, two-day treatment with CEREC system.
Dentis dental implants + Brenemark bridge
After treatment of her lower toothless jaw with a fixed implant, the patient left with new teeth immediately after the procedure.
CEREC Empress Multi all-ceramic crowns
CEREC Empress Multi all-ceramic crowns.
All-on-4, Astra Tech, fixed teeth on four implants
The patient with toothless jaw wore removable dentures and was not satisfied for a long time, now she is happy and smiles all the time.
All-ceramic zirconia bridge and dental implants
Fixed treatment in the upper jaw and screwed zirconia bridge for implants.
Replacement of damaged teeth
Replacement of damaged teeth with CEREC all-ceramic crowns and bite enhancement.
Complete reconstruction of teeth
The patient suffering from bruxism: bite enhancement, complete work without laboratory, CEREC.
All-ceramic veneer
The patient suffered tooth injury in childhood and was was very troubled by a small dental defect, which we happily helped him with.
All-ceramic crowns
Complete reconstruction of teeth.